
My fear that cast me away
away from your arms, hugs and charm
the same fear of the disease to my self harm
yet I kept watching it eat your brain away

Pains the both of us
far from what we used to be
from news of death to name of your crush
further you slip away from me

I'd call you if I could get myself to
but I'm too far lost to reach out to you
I'd fall into your arms and cry like we always do
but now I'm too afraid I don't mean that much to you

Times we spent venting to eachother
your love is that which I've never even felt from my mother
Nights of winter under the tree we held eachother
now gone are the days where we don't even greet one another

Perhaps I punished you for the mistakes I made
I can understand why you let our friendship fade
Oftentimes you come up in my therapy
Not enough time for you to be with me

I hide my feelings, to not burden you
we've had our miscommunications too
you always say, "I'm here for you"
but why did I hesitate to say, "me too."

I have lost myself waiting to call you
but I feel ashamed for all the truths I have hid from you
I know you're willing to empathise with me 
Was it so wrong of me to protect you from me?


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